THISTLE, Generative Pen Plotter Art

Thistle 1

Thistle is a flowering plant that generates seeds which are typically dispersed by the wind.  Goldfinches eat the thistle seeds as well as use them in the construction of their nests.
The algorithm to create THISTLE art, starts as circle packing to generate x and y offsets and radii, then takes the center of the circle and randomly displaces it a bit in the x and y axes.  Organic sinusoidal waves are created with some variation in angles and length which extend radially from the centers.  I used a palette of soft blues and grays and plotted a couple of outputs on paper, I like how these turned out.  

Here are the files I used to create this artwork: to generate the art described here can be downloaded from my google drive to split the svg into separate svgs by color to automate generating gcode files from each color svg with juicy-gcode

Thistle 2

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